
We are here
so that no child
suffers from hunger anymore.

That’s why, as part of MAGNA, we set up the Feed a Child platform to make the fight against hunger accessible to everyone. We want the fight against hunger to be borderless, so that anyone, anywhere can feed a child in need.
With a serving of food for just €0.40 and a few clicks on your phone or computer, you can feed a hungry child. MAGNA’s teams of doctors will deliver a meal that provides essential nutrients. So saving a human life has never been easier than here and now.


Your donated food – Plumpy’Nut is an effective tool in the fight against malnutrition and provides essential nutrients to severely malnourished children. It contains peanut butter, milk, sugar, vitamins and minerals. It is ready to use immediately and is used by MAGNA teams in nutrition programs around the world. MAGNA practitioners give severely malnourished children Plumpy’Nut packets every day for several weeks, and on average it takes 112 meals/packs to help a child get well again.

MAGNA is currently responding to nutrition emergencies in several countries around the world, including Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.